Random Acts of Color
Friday, January 17, 2025
Open Registration for My Upcoming "One Warp, Many Structures" Zoom Workshop
Friday, December 20, 2024
What's (Almost) on the Loom Right Now?
Well, not quite on the loom yet, but this is what I'm aiming for. It's a 32-shaft Echo design I call "Murmurations" because it reminds me of those wonderful rounded forms made by starlings and other flocks of birds as they shape-shift aerobatically across the sky.
Friday, November 22, 2024
Let's Do This! Strickler's Pattern #728 for a Baby Blanket
It had to be machine washable (but I dryed it on the line, to prevent shrinking), without long floats, soft to the touch (of course), and, at least in my opinion, made with natural fiber. Again, in my opinion, cotton is the way to go, particularly unmercerized cotton because it's softer and loftier than mercerized cotton.
Monday, October 21, 2024
A Visit with Eva Stossel
Above: My favorite piece among all the weaving I've seen by Eva Stossel, in networked double weave on 16 shafts, with warp and weft in 20/2 cotton. I really like the tesselation effect.
Which brings me to the point of this blog post: Eva Stossel (you can visit her blog at www.evasweaving.wordpress.com) is, in my humble opinion, one of the best weavers around the country these days.
Take a look:
Here's a detail:
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Echo... Echo... Echo on 8 Shafts
I'm considering -- that's the operative word, "considering" -- writing a second book, this one about Echo, offering designs for 8 shafts only, as that's the easiest way to learn this technique and 8 shafts seems to be the number of choice for the majority of weavers. This pattern would be one of them and, of course, I will have to weave up another 11 projects before I even start writing the book. So, if this book gets written, it will be a while....
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Seasons of the Finger Lakes: Sampling, But Not There Yet
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
A Talk with Master Weaver Lillian Whipple
That's Lillian Whipple's superpower: weaving with silk so fine that most of us would need our reading glasses to see it. Here are a few more of her ever-so-delicate, feather-light "kimono" weavings, each one a work of art on its own, each about 1" wide by 2" long.
Open Registration for My Upcoming "One Warp, Many Structures" Zoom Workshop
Above: An Echo sample by Maryann Ariizumi of the Seattle Weavers Guild, woven on 12 shafts in my "One Warp" workshop. Photo cou...

I think it's Elvis Costello who said, "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture." You could say the same ...
Last Saturday at the Weaving and Fiber Arts Center, I taught a class on "Getting the Blues: Natural Dyeing with Indigo and Woad."...
In 1921, Johannes Itten -- a painter and teacher at Germany's famed Bauhaus School -- published The Color Star , a small book featurin...