Contact Information

I'm a weaver, dyer and "free-range seamstress" who loves painted warps, collapse techniques, and extended parallel threadings -- all to make colorful, textured cloth used in garments for teaching, shows and sales. My pieces have been juried into the HGA Convergence fashion shows since 2008. I teach on Zoom and at conferences and guilds in Australia, Canada and the United States.

Working out of my home, I weave on a 32-shaft Louet Megado, 16-shaft Toika Eeva, a 16-shaft Germaine table loom, and a 12-shaft LeClerc table loom. 

To contact me, please send an email to: dkovn[at]

I'm available on Facebook:

And on Instagram:

Thanks for visiting!


alice said...

I do not have a Mac and have tried and tried to figure out the commands for my PC for 8 shaft Echo weave. I did find the the Draw Freehand button, but after that I am LOST. Is there someone, or someway that I can get some help?


Denise Kovnat said...

Alice, that is a good point! I will take a look at Fiberworks on my PC and I can get back to you with instructions. However, I do need your email. Can you share it with me in a private email to dkovn[at]


bishnoi said...

Hi Denise, I am trying to email you via your given email address but it is going to someone with a similar email address as yours. My
name is Dinakar Iyer and I am the workshop organizer for Houston weavers guild ( would like to invite you to teach a workshop at our guild. Can you please email me at: Many thanks,


Sampling, in Search of Beautiful Cloth

  Way back in the misty past -- that is, about two years ago, my memory being what it is -- I was flying out of Rochester on my way to teach...