Publications for Purchase

Weaving Outside the Box: 12 Projects for Creating Dimensional Cloth

My book is now available for order in the following formats.

FORMAT 1: SOFT-COVER SPIRAL-BOUND BOOK (to lie flat as you follow a project)

$45 plus $3.60 NY sales tax plus $9.65 Priority Mail shipping inside the U.S.
(International shipping: I will send you a follow-up PayPal request for any additional shipping charges.)
  • Click on the "Buy Now" button below.
  • Complete your payment through PayPal.
  • Once I receive your payment, I will email you a confirmation and receipt.
  • Book will ship within two days of payment.


FORMAT 2: eBOOK FOR USE ON KINDLE and other e-readers 

$35 for download of full-color electronic version of the book: Visit the Kindle store on Amazon


$40 plus shipping, available on Amazon by searching for the book title and selecting the paperback format


'Echo on the Double: Double Weave on Echo Threadings' At-Home Workshop

Four-color double weave on 16 shafts

Two-color double weave on 8 shafts

Echo threadings -- also known as extended-parallel threadings -- offer limitless possibilities for flowing designs and bold colors. When they are woven as double weave, using two or more colors in the warp and two colors in the weft, the interactions among warp, weft, and pattern provide for striking motifs and surprising color blends. These designs can offer immense rewards for weavers who love color and pattern. For 4, 8, and 16 shafts.

$28 includes tax
  • Click on the "Buy Now" button.
  • Complete your payment through PayPal.
  • Once I receive your payment, I will email you a link to the downloadable files.
  • Please allow up to 24 hours for me to get back to you.


Pattern and Instructions for 4-shaft Deflected Double Weave Scarf in Collapse Fabric

Weave a scarf with two layers joined by a collapse fabric in the middle -- on just 4 shafts! This download gives you detailed instructions on yarns, sett, picks per inch, and finishing, as well as a WIF file plus a full printed drawdown, including tieup, treadling and liftplan. How is it that such a complex-looking pattern can be woven on just 4 shafts? It's the versatility of Deflected Double Weave, which allows for graphic display of colors and can be woven in two layers and then joined into one. Venne Colcolastic yarn is the other secret ingredient: On the loom and before washing, it behaves like any cotton. But immediately upon immersion in warm water and soap, it shrinks up and draws the surrounding yarns in to form an organic-looking texture, adding lots of visual interest to the fabric.

$8 includes tax

  • Click on the "Buy Now" button.
  • Complete your payment through PayPal.
  • Once I receive your payment, I will email you a link to the downloadable files.
  • Please allow up to 24 hours for me to get back to you.

'Echo and Jin: Variations on a Theme' At-Home Workshop

Following the steps in the workshop I offer both online and in person: This download gives you 41 files in all, so that you can conduct your own at-home workshop. You will receive 19 WIF files (6 for 4-shaft looms, 7 for 8-shaft looms and 6 for 16-shaft looms for Echo and Jin patterns and, in the case of 8 and 16-shaft designs, for Double Weave as well). Also, you will receive photos and PDFs giving you threadings, tieups and treadlings. In addition, you'll receive a guide on how to choose your warp colors, complete instructions for warping and weaving, and a 10-page handout giving you background on the techniques and structures involved.

$28 includes tax
  • Click on the "Buy Now" button.
  • Complete your payment through PayPal.
  • Once I receive your payment, I will email you a link to the downloadable files.
  • Please allow up to 24 hours for me to get back to you.


'One Warp, Many Structures: an Exploration of Extended Parallel Threading' At-Home Workshop

'Fun House' pattern (provided in the download) 
woven by Virginia Lee

Following the steps in my Convergence 2018 workshop in Reno, NV: This download gives you 24 files in all, so that you can carry out your own at-home workshop. You will receive 12 WIF files -- 6 for 4 shaft looms, and 6 for 8 shaft looms, for Echo Weave (two designs for 4 shafts and 8 shafts each), Turned Taqueté (Jin), Shadow Weave, Rep Weave, and Double Weave -- along with photos of samples and an 11-page handout with full instructions for you to weave all 6 variations on one threading. 

$28 includes tax

  • Click on the "Buy Now" button.
  • Complete your payment through PayPal.
  • Once I receive your payment, I will email you a link to the downloadable files.
  • Please allow up to 24 hours for me to get back to you.


'Deflected Double Weave for Collapse Fabrics' At-Home Workshop

Jacob's Ladder pattern

Making Waves pattern

This download is based on a workshop I taught at Convergence 2018 in Reno, NV. You will receive a 38-page handout with a detailed analysis of this versatile and straightforward weave structure, along with instructions on how to maximize textural effects using collapse techniques. Also included are at-home exercises, a table possible tieups to use and a list of references for further study. In addition, you'll receive two WIF files for 8 shafts and instructions on weaving both designs.

$28 includes tax

  • Click on the "Buy Now" button.
  • Complete your payment through PayPal.
  • Once I receive your payment, I will email you a link to the downloadable files.
  • Please allow up to 24 hours for me to get back to you.


WIFs for workshop, 'One Warp, Many Structures: 
An Exploration of Extended Parallel Threading'

 Falling Stars as Echo Weave
Falling Stars as Jin

This is a compilation of 56 WIF files, for use with weaving software. Note: Please do not purchase this download unless you use and are familiar with weaving software such as Fiberworks. I designed all of these patterns for the "One Warp, Many Structures" workshop I taught at Convergence 2018 in Reno, NV. There are 10 different threadings in all: 3 for 4-shaft looms, 3 for 8-shaft looms, 3 for 12-shaft looms and 1 for 16-shaft looms. Each threading has WIF files for weaving as Echo, Jin (Turned Taqueté), Rep Weave, Shadow Weave and Double Weave. The aim of the workshop is to learn how to weave all of these structures on one threading, simply by changing the tie up and treadling and weft yarns -- and sometimes re-sleying. This body of work aims to demonstrate the creative potential of extended parallel threadings, providing you with designs you can explore for a long time to come.

$25 includes tax

  • Click on the "Buy Now" button.
  • Complete your payment through PayPal.
  • Once I receive your payment, I will email you a link to the downloadable files.
  • Please allow up to 24 hours for me to get back to you.


WIFs for 'Echo and Jin: Variations on a Theme' Workshop

Cat's Eyes pattern as Echo

Cat's Eyes Pattern as Jin

This is a compilation of 80 WIF files, designed for use with weaving software. Note: Please do not purchase this download unless you use and are familiar with weaving software such as Fiberworks. These are all of the patterns I designed for the "Echo and Jin: Variations on a Theme" workshop I teach online and in person. There are 13 different threadings in all: 4 for 4-shaft looms, 4 for 8-shaft looms, 2 for 16-shaft looms and 1 each for 24 and 32-shaft looms. Each threading has WIF files for weaving a variety of samples in Echo and Jin (Turned Taqueté) and in most cases Double Weave. The aim of the workshop is to learn how to weave a variety of designs on one threading, simply by changing the tie up and treadling and weft yarns -- and in the case of Double Weave, re-sleying for a denser sett. This body of work aims to demonstrate the creative potential of color interaction with extended parallel threadings, providing you with designs you can explore for a long time to come.

$30 includes tax

  • Click on the "Buy Now" button.
  • Complete your payment through PayPal.
  • Once I receive your payment, I will email you a link to the downloadable files.
  • Please allow up to 24 hours for me to get back to you.


'Paint Two, Beam One: Painting Two Warps and Beaming Them as One' At-Home Workshop

In this download you will receive a 23-page workshop handout giving you instructions on choosing colors, preparing dyes, painting two warps and beaming them together on your loom to create one luminous warp. Many structures and designs lend themselves to this technique, including Echo, double weave, Jin, and turned Overshot, among others -- so this download also includes WIFs and PDF threadings, tieups and treadlings for designs on 4, 6, 8 and 12 shafts. In addition, this download includes a color guide, with 4 different palettes to choose from, listing the exact colors to purchase from ProChemical and Dye to paint your warps in the palette of your choice. The workshop is for cellulose fibers (cotton, Tencel, rayon, bamboo, hemp, linen and silk) using MX fiber-reactive dyes.

$28 includes tax
  • Click on the "Buy Now" button
  • Complete your payment through PayPal
  • Once I receive your payment, I will email you a link to the downloadable files.
  • Please allow up to 24 hours for me to get back to you.


Anonymous said...

If we have questions where can we ask them?

Denise Kovnat said...

You may email me at dkovn[at]

Please allow up to 24 hours for me to get back to you! Thanks for your interest.

Denise Kovnat said...

Thanks Amy! I sent you a PayPal invoice -- but I also fixed the button so that it worked.

amyfibre said...

Got it! And paid. Thanks so much. Love, LOVE the name "Purple Cow Creations". :-)

Brenda said...

Denise, can you please describe the difference between your "One Warp Many Structures" download and the "Drawdowns for One Warp Many Structures" download?

A Visit with Eva Stossel

  Above: My favorite piece among all the weaving I've seen by Eva Stossel, in networked double weave on 16 shafts, with warp and weft in...